Sunday, February 12, 2006


Use Water therapy for many home remedies and treat it as natural medicine.

Use Water therapy for many home remedies and treat it as natural medicine.:

Stay fit naturally using water
Water is one of the most important constituent of our body. Water maintains the temperature and keeps our body healthy. Most of us suffer from chronic dehydration and not even aware of the problem. Dr. F Batmanghelidj’s clinical research showed that many ailments – including adult onset diabetes, stomach ulcers, headaches, depression, and general aches and pain comes from chronic dehydration. He discovered that he could cure most of his subjects of their chronic ailments using only water.

Understanding the importance of water , saints of India presented the technique of using water to stay healthy thousands of years ago.

The Internal Use of Water Therapy:
Early morning, drink 1.25 liters of pure water ( preferable kept overnight in copper vessel). This should be done on an empty stomach, after having starved for 8-10 hours the previous night. Try consuming the entire quantity of water within 5 to 10 minutes.
However, in the initial stages of your therapy, if you find drinking this much quantity of water rather difficult, you might start by drinking a quantity smaller than the prescribed 1.25 liters, and gradually you can increase it to 1.25 liters. Make sure to give yourself ½ an hour of complete rest, after drinking the water. Exercises, moving bowels or bath can be taken care of, only after this rest-period. Make sure you don't eat or drink anything within 1½ to 2 hours of drinking water in the morning.

Click here for ordering Complete Water Therapy Kit
How does this form of Water Therapy act within the body?
(1) When 1.25 liters of water is drunk within a short span of 5-10 minutes, after a night of fasting, the pressure of water that grips the intestines, activates them a lot more than usual.
(2) Due to the sudden water-pressure, the bits and particles of food that adhere to the walls of the intestines, along with gases and other undigested materials, disengage themselves from the intestinal walls, dissolve into the inflowing water and leave the body along with the same. This in turn, gives the intestinal cells a new lease of life.
(3) The intestines are not the only parts of the body to benefit from this Water Therapy. The cells of the entire body get revitalized. When, after 8-10 hours of fasting, water is drunk, the insides of the body soak it up thirstily and as a result, every single cell of the body gets affected by the water-intake. The free radicals and toxic elements adhering to the cells, are literally pressurized into removing themselves from the cells, and then the body's in-built cleansing system gets rid of these unwanted elements very easily, afterwards. Water is directly related to the kidneys and that is why Water Therapy does away with impediments within and ailments of the urinary track very fast. Water Therapy not only destroys the bacteria of the urinary track but also helps in getting rid of kidney stone problem.

Beneficial for: Diabetes, Blood Pressure, Pain in the Joints, Heart Problems & fainting, meningitis, urine problem, uterus cancer, piles, stomach problems, bile, cough, old age problems like wrinkles, pimples, paralysis, bronchitis, asthma, leucorrhoea, acidity, swelling, fever, headache, anemia, obesity, tuberculosis, liver ailments, irregularity in menstrual cycle, gas problems, constipation & so on.

(1) The first 3-7 days of Water Therapy could be a little difficult. You might suffer headaches and body-aches. Sweating, nausea and loose-motions could also form parts of the 'symptoms'. If not all these, you might definitely experience a certain sort of uneasiness. The thing to keep in mind is that these are not harmful 'after-effects' of Water Therapy. These symptoms merely serve to testify that the body is getting rid of many toxic elements from your body. If necessary, the quantity of water could be decreased to a bearable extent and then gradually increase it to prescribed amount.
(2) Though this sort of Water Therapy is good for kidney and heart-patients, they are however advised to try it out only after procuring their physicians' permission and relevant guidance.

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